I'm a stickler for them. Here's me... celebrating Jason's life on the anniversary of his death. Keeping the memory alive and vibrant by physically manifesting the little characteristics and likes of him. So, here.. I have a clove in my mouth. The smell and instant reminder of his uniqueness and inability to meld into the crowd. They make the kind I get in a marble color now rather than all black. Traditionally, the beer in my hand would be a Guiness but regretfully I can not handle that thick motor oil. So, I compromised with something oh so yummy. He would want me to... make my own rules. I clanked a bottle with a friend and toasted a hearty Cheers to Jase.
It's Thursday. I'm cleaning... slowly. I need this place clean because my parents are coming to town. I don't know why I can not muster up the desire to work harder.
I've been thinking alot. Who I am, what I have become. Decisions I have made and should make. Right now, I feel so solid in my character. So strong as a person. So full in my heart. I will elaborate more on the blessings and curses that I am currently going through on these relevations at a later time. For right now, I am going to play with my adorable son, get the mail and stay warm because it is CHILLY!
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