We are faced with so many choices in life. What kind of dog food to buy? The red or purple shirt? Between the kind words and the harsh. We only have this one life and we need to make sure those choices lead us to the person we want to be in that life. Uncertainty doesn't seem to have a place but it does and it is essential to boot. Without questioning those choices and the ripples that those choices bring to your life you can not be positive of the outcome. You must have a period of uncertainty before the certainty hits. I believe it's each of our duties to live our lives to the fullest we possibly can, to achieve the ultimate potential within us for whatever we excell at or wish to accomplish. When we are strong as our own person... we are collectively strong as a society. We can choose to drift aimlessly on a raft on life's waters... or we can let the ripples of our choices steer us to our goals.
Just a thought for the evening.