Woah. Wowsers. As you can see, I have been speechless. Thrown for a loop. Tossed in the clouds. I've struggled to find words and I still can not form them. Here, as I sit to write this post... candle lit with my room smelling like sweet sweet clean, crisp coconut, I am not clear on the direction it will take. I have been locking such emotions inside me for far too long and yes Melle Belle, I could very well crack if I don't lay it out there. So here I am.... Hollie in the raw... part two.
I have secrets. Hot, steamy, sexy secrets and tales of attraction, emotion, addiction and desire. I have stories of blindsided fate and an entirely too visible invisible connection. I can physically feel... in my heart, in my spirit and on my skin the feelings and thoughts that pour from this unexpected source. It's genuine and unreal yet real and out of this world.
This is just a start to wet my palate. I have never experienced my current position so please bare with me as my thoughts become sporadic bouncing beams in a rubber room because the source does indeed drive me absolutely crazy.