Wednesday, January 9, 2008


There is this house here in town, empty and cold. I have been in love with it since the first week I moved here nearly 10 years ago. It sparked my interest and my deep rooted love of all things with a story. It's been for sale this entire time as well. Cursed to be zoned commercial because it is smack dab in the middle of shopping and drive-thru eateries. I have never stepped foot in it. There is a wrought iron gate in front of it with a brick wall. Finally, I got the closest I ever had a couple weeks ago to take this picture. Through the bars of the tattered iron gate. The house itself is in disrepair but oh how I would love to get ahold of it. I am not sure what I would do. It sits on about 22 acres. This house, is forced to be a home to a business. I wonder why it has not sold.

Anyone who knows me well,knows I am a sucker for old buildings. I love everything about them. Their architecture.. the care put into the details. The strength they have to remain standing. The in depth history of what the walls have seen and heard. Whose feet have stepped inside? What emotions have dwelled within? The secrets. The stories I will never know.

I can not find any solid facts on this house. My sister in law who ironically lived here when her father was in the army... and her family holds their roots here. Says that it was at one time, the whole area a plantation. She is half African American and according to her, she says her great great grandmother was a "worker" there... aka ... slave. I have no grounds to believe this is true yet I have no reason to doubt.

This area is so extremely rich in history and emotion. Long drawn out legends of war and scandal. Of riches and deceit. This house calls out to me and I long to step inside. To touch it's walls and let the air absorb into my curious being. To climb it's stairs and picture the events that occured. Were there parties? Were there kids running through? Were there lovers? I will never truly know and I guess that is part of the appeal.

History is one of my major weaknesses. Get me going on old things and I get really excited. Must be a bit odd to be me. Eh, either that... or my soul is entirely too old for it's good and desires to be in touch with familiarity.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Hello January

Well, we are well into January. It has been here a week already. So far, the year has been nothing but ordinary. We are having 70 degree weather in January. We have had no solidifying coldness yet. This is too strange and definately throws my balance off kilter. I know you are all sick of me complaining about nice weather in winter but come on.... if it doesn't crap on us now we are going to be in for a world of hurt come summer time. Literally. Not to mention it's making me crabby hehehe. Wait, that could be the PMS.

Today is just not my day. Yesterday, I had every intention on making this day my "no procrastination day" and that idea was flung out the window like a kamikaze kitten (heheh some of you may get that) before my alarm ever went off. I hear the buzzing and I say to myself quite clearly.... Why did I set this? It's Saturday... and I turned it off. Alright... it's freakin MONDAY. So, about 30 minutes later.. I wake up in a frantic get-kids-ready mode and we're off to school .. on time! Yay... 5 points for me.

I make my to-do list... and the first thing on it explodes into a fury that I do not want to get into. Let's just say... that because of several greedy lame soldier's wives... NO ONE in this town will take my power of attorney into account in signing the hubby's name to something very important and vital not only to ourselves but about 500 others who are waiting for what we are. This document is extremely basic. So, the burden is left on him.... thousands of miles away. I can do nothing on this end and it's infuriating. What makes me even more mad is that we thought about this. We thought about getting a specific power of attorney granting me sole responsibility for this.. but when we called the company in which it is needed for they said "Nooooo don't worry about it... general is fine just send us a copy." Crap, put another point up there for actually listening to your intuition.

So, I get ready to do my second thing.... wich is, go to the store. We need pull-ups for the peeing boy and food for our tummies. I grab my purse and get ready to scoop up said boy when he's fast asleep on the couch. Now, this crazy man hardly ever takes a nap anymore. CRAP. I don't want to disturb this.. so here I sit. I need to disturb it though because I have minimal amount of time before the kids come home and we have to go to dance. Hey, I guess it did give me a moment to myself to dwell in my agitation.